Death due to rat fever in Jaffna!
Jaffna District Regional Health Services Director Dr. A. Ketheeswaran said that two deaths have occurred due to rat fever at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital. He stated that these deaths were reported on January 2.
Rat fever incidence and treatment status
We have received information from 202 patients in Jaffna district. Of these, 94 have been confirmed to have rat fever. In the last 24 hours, 10 patients are receiving treatment. Of these, 7 are receiving treatment at the Pedro Base Hospital and 3 at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital. Moreover, 3 are newly admitted to the hospital.
Prevention and Awareness
It is very important to seek treatment immediately after the onset of fever through awareness activities. In particular, farmers, people who go fishing in the sea and flood victims should be given vaccines. So far, 8 deaths have been reported due to rat fever in the Jaffna district.
“Research is currently underway on the spread of rat fever and its results may be out next week,” he noted.